Samstag, 30. März 2013

Frühjahrsputz und Osterfest

Hier spricht Hoppel!
Ich Der Osterhase ist schwer mit dem Frühjahrsputz beschäftigt. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es morgen pünktlich zu euch. Dazu kommt noch die Zeitumstellung heute Nacht. Das macht es nicht leichter.

Hoppel speaking!
I am The Easter Bunny is still extremely busy with spring cleaning. Hopefully I will reach in time tomorrow to bring the Easter eggs and stuff. 
And we will have clock change tonight to complicate all.

Ich tue was möglich ist, wie ihr seht.
As you can see, I am doing my best.

Pia und ich wünschen Euch Frohe Ostern!
Pia and me wish you Happy Easter!

Und die Schweinchen natürlich auch!
And so do the guinea pigs!
Frohe Ostern auch unseren Freunden von 

Happy Easter to our friends from 

Dienstag, 5. März 2013

The best Spicy Noodle Mexican Mix ever!

Guess who is blogging today?
Any idea?

The blogger comes out of this box......

Spicy Noodles hehe.... 
We are guinea pigs!

Mom and our Sissi brought us home in this cardboard box. But not from Mexico. Everyone knows that guinea pigs come from Peru.

We Spicy Noodles had been a bit shy first and hiding in the hay for some hours.

But then we came out to say hello.

My name is Luna.

Me saying hello. 

And this is Lurchi Leopold. He already had his big boy surgery and everything went well with that. What is very good because some of you may remember 
where things went wrong.

Lurchi Leopold

I was allowed to use my Sissis laptop for training. Moms laptop was broken down and there was long time no blogging for her. But she got a new one two weeks ago so there is no more lame excuse for no update. I think she is just too lazy busy.

As you can see on the photo below my ears look special. That happens when you mess with others....

Lurchi needs some more training at the laptop. He is a boy ya know.
But he will post by his own soon.

Here we are on the sofa checking Moms book. Tastes good.

We love to sit on the sofa. But guess what happened after I hopped out of our snuggle nest? I hopped also down from the sofa on the floor!!

A black guinea pig on a black sofa. Lurchi Leopold.

I am really a cuty face as I can say so myself. Look.

Me, looking cute.

Here we are all happy that the sun is back. We read in the newspaper that this was the darkest winter of the last 47 years. So there is a chance that Lurchi and I can go outside in the garden and sit in the grass for the very first time. We keep you posted!

Today we will also say hello to our friends from 
Camera Critters
"Howdy peeps!"
Sniffels and quiecks,