Freitag, 26. August 2011


War das eine Hitze diese Woche. Die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit machte uns das Leben schwer. Um nicht zu kollabieren habe ich mich an meinen Freunden im Heidelberger Zoo orientiert. Alles ein bisschen langsamer angehen lassen...

It was a sweltering heat this week. The high humidity gave us a hard life. To avoid to faint, I did it like my friends at Zoo Heidelberg. Switching to slow motion mode.....

Dienstag, 16. August 2011

The fox goes around

Hallo blogfriends! Its me, the Giunea Pig Prince. I will write todays thread because Mom has to take care of the Chinchillas and is out.

See me here waiting for Mom to come home from work.

Mom came in and we both looked out of the kitchen window. There was a Fox. Fox Armor.
We started to sing a German childrens song.

The fox goes around
The fox goes around
There's a clever animal round here somewhere
Look behind you!


"Mom better look to Clio. He runs the risk to be knoked over like a Flathfish because this Fox is not one of the clever sort."

Mom brought the Clio in a safety zone.

Fox was driven back the road slowly. Driver of heavy load was not amused about his GPS, that guided him to a dead end street.

 Sometimes GPS tells a pack of lies..........

 On the left you can see our neighbour, Mr. Tower. He is under my observation. I´ve seen a lot going on there. If you are interested, let me know. I will tell you about. 

Thanks for stopping by!  See you soon!

Freitag, 12. August 2011

Wilde Karde

Manches Unkraut ist traumhaft schön. Zum Beispiel die Wilde Karde.
Some weeds are a perfect dream. Fullers Teasel for example.

Wilde Karde / Fullers Teasel / Dipsacus fullonum

Fast stielt sie allen Pflanzen drumherum die Schau.
She nearly steals the show of all the others standing around there.

Aber nur fast.
Not completely.

Mit diesen  wahren Schönheiten nehme ich am Projekt 
bei Tine teil.

I share this raving beauties to the 
project on Tines blog.

Samstag, 6. August 2011

Sundown vs slow worm


Zeit, den Sonnenuntergang zu geniessen!
Time to enjoy the sundown.

Es wird schon merklich früher dunkel. Aber lasst uns nicht darüber reden.
Its getting dark noticeably sooner. But don´t lets talk about.

Immer unter meiner Beobachtung durchs Küchenfenster.... 
Meiler 1: abgeschaltet seit März 2011
Meiler 2: an/aus, an/aus............  heute (wieder) an

Under my continious monitoring through the kitchen window....
Pile 1: power off since march 2011
Pile 2: on/off, on/off... today on (again)

AKW Philippsburg / Nuclear power plant Philippsburg

"Hallo Schnecke, schön dich auf  NACHBARS Gartenmäuerchen zu sehen."
"Hallo slug, nice to meet you on NEIGHBOURS garden wall."

Dieses Blumenfeld finde ich besonders in der Dämmerung beeindruckend.
This  flowerfield catches my eye especially when it´s getting dark.

Heute bekam der Sonnenungtergang Konkurrenz.
Today sundown had to compete with someone.

Ich habe sie von der Strasse auf die Wiese getragen.
I brought her away from the street to a meadow.

Und das Rennen im abendlichen Wettbewerb machte....
And the winner of the vespertine competition is....

Anguis fragilis / Blindschleiche / Slow worm